Race traits and tendencies of the American Negro – concludes not allowing black people access to health care, within 2 to 3 generations they would die out and would solve the race problem in America.
Teddy Roosevelt proposed a national health care system in 1912, people said no because black people would get it.
FDR proposed a national health care system, same thing.
Truman tried it in 1947, same thing.
To try and keep black people from using Medicare, the 20% gap in Medicare coverage where you had to pay 20% of your doctors or hospital bill, which would discourage poor black people from showing up at the hospitals.
The US doesn’t declare health care a right is because of racism.
Tiktik – Goddess Mia.
There is no universally accepted definition of a mountain. Elevation, volume, relief, steepness, spacing and continuity have been used as criteria for defining a mountain.